Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cleansing Can Be Done

Have you noticed, when you feel low, frustrated, angry and discouraged, you just don't feel like being with people, 'coz you don't feel like answering their questions on why you feel this way. 
You may even be at a point where you know the word of God can lift you up but that umph to open the word just ain't there. 
This is what I call spiritual leprosy.  You are afraid of coming in contact with others because they will see your issues. They will see how distracted you are. You feel ashamed. 
This reminds me of a story in the Bible where Jesus cleanses a leper. Luke 5:12 '...a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus,... saying', 'Lord, if You are willing,  You can make me clean." 
We know Jesus can heal us of our feelings frustration, an get and every other issue, but we are not willing fall to our knees, humbling ourselves and ask. 
Look what Jesus did for the leper. 'He put out his hand and touched him, saying. "I am willing, be cleansed." 
How long will I continue to isolate myself from everyone when I feel low. I should immediately reach out to Jesus, because He is willing.l despite my flaws.
This is only a season and this too shall pass. It all depends on me

In His Love